As opposed to fake change, it begins at the root level

   Mar 08

HB338: The bill to block stingrays

On this show, my guest will be Ed Quiggle, Former Technology chairman of the PA state Libertarian Party and current acting secretary of Restore the 4th. We will be discussing House Bill 338, which is designed to block the use of Stingray devices. Stingrays are basically customised, portable cell towers that are designed to capture and sniff all cellular traffiic in a given area. In effect performing a “man in the middle” attack. If you are caught up in one, you will never know. Unless, you have a certain kind of phone running a certain kind of software. We will be discussing the bill, it’s status, and how you can help as well as what you can do to protect yourselves from this 4th Amendment violation.


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