As opposed to fake change, it begins at the root level

   Jul 05

A warning about Project 2025, and a plea for help

Greetings all. This is what I would have talked about on last nights podcast, if it worked as intended. Otherwise, I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so. On July 4th 2013, Edward Snowden revealed the depths of mass surveillance against American citizens, violating the Fourth Amendment on a massive scale.  More information on what he reported can be found  here. For further information on what Snowden released, there are at this time 472 references on the bottom of that page. Fast forward to today, and I am halfway through reading a book called Facebook Nation with a google preview here that informs the reader how far Total Information Awareness has come along, what with corporate surveillance / social media companies like Facebook, X, and now Tik tok which is controlled and manipulated by a malevolent Chinese government. And as I have stated many times before, all social media is a battleground in the great cyber war where nation-states wage information warfare to sway public opinion, scam people for money, glean information, etc. A lot of it makes sense to me since I saw a lot of this bovine manure when I worked for the telecoms and I also admin a bunch of Facebook groups. Because I admin some large and interesting groups I get targeted for various social engineering scams so my groups can be taken over, like I have seen so many other groups taken over by Russian and Iranian interests. Since getting the blue check mark, the frequency of attempts has slowed down.  But I digress. When Donald Trump joined Tik tok, China manipulated the algorithms to boost his follower count to 3 million compared to Biden’s 340,000 as of June 4th 2024. More information on that can be found here . Trump has tasted Presidential power before. In 2015, I predicted millions of people would die in a Trump presidency. I am so sorry to say I was right as he was grossly negligent in the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and his subsequent mask shaming campaign he pushed upon the Republicans, and from there the rest of the country. I also wrote up a synopsis on Trumps first term here.

Here is where it gets worse.

On Monday July 1st 2024, SCOTUS ruled in favor of presidential immunity. More information on that can be found here and here . On July 3rd, the Heritage Foundation while promoting project 2025 suggested that Democrats not spill blood over America, link is at Politico article based on there own plans at here and here. Want to help stop project 2025? Go here.   Now imagine if Trump should succeed in getting elected again, he will once more have access to the most powerful surveillance state outside China and a green light from SCOTUS to be a dictator. He will have carte blanche to deconstruct our government, and I fear millions more people will die.  And Putin and Xi will smile on there victory, as even now they work towards the goal of another American civil war by, among other ways using there troll farms to sow bovine manure and peddle there influences all over social media to where Elon Musk has become a tool.


Since Biden became President, he has had ample opportunity to roll back the damage Trump did, beginning with a stand down order in the beginning of his term to asses the damage Trump did. One bad thing Biden did was to allow the virus to mutate and infect our wildlife. Another mistake was to not counter the Republican culture war tactic of mask shaming. As Commander in Chief, he has access to all manner of intel generated from mass surveillance and condensed into his daily briefings. And yet, despite the failings of Biden and the democratic party, such as the bum deal they gave Bernie Sanders, to infringing on the 2nd Amendment, and the rest of the Constitution, to there non action against the Republican slow moving coup, I would still vote for a democrat as opposed to a Republican. Would I ever vote for a Republican? Show me a Republican who is not in the cult of Trump and I will consider that person. But until then, I still intend to vote for all the democrats, except one.

I am running a political campaign to represent the PA-07th Congressional district in the US House of Representatives, and I have a dream to replace corrupt and corruptible political parties in the spirit of George Washington’s farewell address, where Washington cautioned against factionalism, foreign entanglements, and the dangers of political parties. He urged national unity and virtuous citizenship. and predicted the rise of someone like Trump. However, Washington was a product of his time, and he could not predict the rise of the internet. I wish to complete his vision, because both parties have failed it. To that end, I quote #2 on My Platform “2. To replace corrupt and corruptible political parties, by invoking direct and participatory democracy using pre-existing political boundaries. And enhancing voter participation by directly engaging and consulting with the registered voters to perform legislative business. The idea here is to get the left wing and the right wing to work together at the local level to the serving politicians. As there are severe time constraints on a sitting Congressperson, perhaps the participating registered voters can, by working together, can develop a wiki style “Cliff Notes” with commentary on current legislation, status, and other metrics. Kinda sorta like the content management system used by the city of Allentown, but better so as to convey to the sitting Congressperson the collective will of the registered voter. Fair and balanced, not like Faux News. Not to divide, but unify. In line with

As you can read above, one of my pet peeves is the subject of mass surveillance. Both parties support it, just like China. I do not. I don’t want our descendants to become slaves to a surveillance state and whomever controls it. I want my descendants to know freedom of thought, and to appreciate free will. Imagine for a moment Musk’s Neural Link evolves beyond its current capabilities? How hackable would it become? Would exploits be heavily guarded by nation – states? If so, what happens to the perception of free will? Elect me, and I will do everything in my power to avert that dystopian future.

One of my opponents, Ryan Mackenzie, is a simple tool for Trump. My other opponent, Susan Wild, is not so simple. I first met her in 2015 when I started streaming the Allentown city council meetings to the Facebook group “Let’s Build a New Allentown Together” and she was the city solicitor. She knows who I am, she is a member of some of my groups, and we have been following each other on X for the past few years or so. She knows about My Platform and its contents, yet follows along with the rest of the party on most issues, including infringing on the 2nd Amendment. Has she done good? Yes. But a simple examination will reveal to the viewer our goals are different, with my goals a tad bit loftier, wanting to make the world a better place than I found it. But I can’t do it alone, I need help. I need to collect the barest minimum of 3,026 valid signatures, I need volunteers, and I need lots of money. Both my opponents have millions of dollars at there beck and call. And I am broke AF. Notice why I have not filed any campaign finance reports? Because I have been spending my own meager money, and I am very far from rich. Susan could retire after her six years of service and remain comfortable. If anyone can help, all the information is available on My Platform. At the end of the day, if a Democrat or Republican is elected, they will be “Whipped” by there respective parties, effectively working for them, not you. And that, in and of itself, is a major reason why I wish to serve in Congress.

In closing, I ask again. “Why is it that our Constitution is considered the highest law in this land, yet it is infringed the most and infringers punished the least?” And along with Trump, we can include The Heritage Foundation and SCOTUS among the infringers. Thank you for reading this far, and PLEASE SHARE if you believe in my words and goals. And like Bernie said, all things are possible when we come together.

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