As opposed to fake change, it begins at the root level

   Jan 09

My 2 minute stump speech

“I’m running because I’m pissed. I’m angry at the way this world has turned out in the past 60 years and I aim to invoke real change upon this nation before my time is done. Who Am i? I am an ancient hacktivist. Raised in the Slate Belt, and living in Allentown. And I have operated in the shadows for far too long. For many years I was blind. When I heard in 2017 the CIA got hacked, I was motivated to get the surgeries to get my sight back. And I do not like the world that I see. What do I advocate? How about reversing the Supreme Court citizens united decision that allowed big money in politics? How about replacing corrupt and corruptible political parties by invoking direct and participatory democracy using pre-existing political boundaries? Because the major political party members are whipped. How about high quality Medicaid for all? The kind of quality care Mick Jagger gets when he flies over from Great Britain, and not the poor quality of care homeless people get. I suffer because of it. How about reversing the trends of infringement against the Second Amendment, the Fourth Amendment, the First Amendment, and the rest of the American Bill of Rights? Why is it that our American Constitution is considered the highest law in the land, yet it is infringed the most and infringers punished the least? How about publicly financed political campaigns? Get big money out of government, it doesn’t belong there. Until then, we have the best democracy money can buy. And there’s a lot more I would like to do. Send me to Congress, and I’ll be sure to bring my whip. All of it and more is available at My Platform

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