As opposed to fake change, it begins at the root level

   Jul 25

The gist of it all


This is where real change begins, at the grassroots level. Welcome, and thank you for stopping by to take a look. This site will begin to explain how a lasting change can be made for the benefit of all peoples, everywhere, using a concept of direct democracy that can begin within existing laws and customs.

The basic idea involves a group of volunteer local programmers and activists using free and open source software to create a hardened, special website available only to the registered voters of a given district and the elected politicians who serve them. The identities of these registered voters would not be known to each other, nor to the elected politicians, but only to the selected administrators who would be entrusted to keep everything working smoothly, honorably, and transparently.

On a regular basis, the elected office holder would communicate to the voters who elected that person with the activities that officeholder performs for them. As various bills and other important matters come up, so then the voters will be informed on a daily basis and they would debate the merits of this business using this hardened website. Other than the virtual speakers pulpit of the elected officeholder and the registered voters who put that person there, there will be no other people. No “Corporate citizens”, no Political Action committees, no lobbyists, no media personalities, no other entities at all. They exert a tremendous influence enough already thanks to Citizens United vs Federal Election Commision, and by purchasing advertisements and airtime on TV, newsprint,  and radio networks.

After a prescribed period of time, the voters will choose there course of action, and it will be the duty of the officeholder to carry out the will of the voters at that point. From the virtual speakers pulpit, the elected officeholder can state whatever position they choose but the elected officeholder must NEVER have any admin rights to the site or the whole process should be considered tainted, null, and void.

The vast majority of American people work full time jobs. JOB can easily be interpreted as JUST OVER BROKE. Because of this preoccupation, most people do not even bother with the political processes around them. Everybody has a life after work hours, and do not want to be bothered with a corrupt political system except perhaps to watch the media pundits like Jon Stewart, Bill Mahler, Sean Hannity, and many more.

This lack of involvement is why I believe the current political culture of corruption has been allowed to exist for 236 years. As communication technologies were limited, this is the best we could do. But now, we have the internet. We now have the power to micromanage the entire political process from the comfort of our living rooms, dining rooms, and bedrooms. I firmly believe this method of direct democracy will return power to where it belongs, directly in the hands of the American people.

In time, it is entirely possible this process can, and should be improved upon. Over the last several years, I have publicly spoken out in favor of using modern cryptographic processors like the Trusted Platform Module or TPM chip, to help secure the integrity of the voting process.

The end result of these procedures is an increasing trustworthiness of the entire political process and, by extension, a more active participation in all levels of government. To my current knowledge, there are a few brave politicians willing to do something very similar.

This, in my mind is what democracy should be about. But I can’t do this alone. In order for this to work, Both houses of Congress, as well as all state, county, and local governments must be “Occupied” by the people. Only then can greed and corruption can be extracted from American Politics. Only then can we begin the monumental task of building a democracy we deserve, as opposed to the best democracy money can buy.

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