As opposed to fake change, it begins at the root level

   Sep 09

My platform

Greetings all, and welcome to my platform. My name is Lewis Shupe, and I am asking for your help and write my name in on your ballot as your Independent Congressional Representative for PA’s 7th Congressional district. As you take your time and indulge in the content I have been working on here, you will discover I am like few political candidates before. My words below are a work in progress, so please check back often. Recent updates are towards the bottom. And please listen to my podcast “The WTFF files with Lewis Shupe’ where I usually take calls towards the end of the show. Help me bring Lincoln’s better angels back to Congress. Below, please see my legislative agenda and goals, currently in no special order of significance:


So yea, I did not win this time either. The traitor has returned, along with both House and Senate, as well as SCOTUS. At least now, I am better off than I was in 2016. Stock up on your masks, Geiger counters, canned goods, and such. And let us plan for 2025. I also state here and now I am conceding this race, but I am still not giving up. Let us organize.

1. Reversing the Supreme Court’s “Citizens United” once and for all. Then we can begin to really drain the swamp.

2. To replace corrupt and corruptible political parties, by invoking direct and participatory democracy using pre-existing political boundaries. And enhancing voter participation by directly engaging and consulting with the registered voters to perform legislative business. The idea here is to get the left wing and the right wing to work together at the local level to the serving politicians. As there are severe time constraints on a sitting Congressperson, perhaps the participating registered voters can, by working together, can develop a wiki style “Cliff Notes” with commentary on current legislation, status, and other metrics. Kinda sorta like the content management system used by the city of Allentown, but better so as to convey to the sitting Congressperson the collective will of the registered voter. Fair and balanced, not like Faux News. Not to divide, but unify. In line with

Is this such a crazy idea? Look around. This world would have been a whole lot better if Bernie won in 2016. He would have kept the Covid-19 bug THERE. Trump, true to his word, de constructed the Center for Disease Control in 2017, reducing our defense against funky real life viruses. Over 1,500,000 Americans dead so far. Had enough yet?

3. A proper reckoning of our surveillance laws versus the Fourth amendment, perhaps by repealing the Patriot act and associated laws. We must have this so that our descendants are not willing or unwilling slaves to the government and corporate surveillance state and to whomever controls the state. Our surveillance state was originally enhanced by Republican president Ronald Reagan in 1981 with executive order 12333 . Sadly, I foresee a time coming soon where surveillance tech will become so invisible and prevalent as to threaten free will. I have spoken about this before, as the Chinese Surveillance State is here now. This represents my worst fear for humanity beyond my time on Earth.

4. Reverse the trends of infringement against the 2nd amendment, the 4th amendment, as well as the rest of the Bill of Rights. Why is it that the American Constitution is called the highest law in the land, yet it is infringed the most and infringers punished the least? Especially the 14th. I never did get an answer from the tea parties. Update, I got my first answer today, 9-17-22 on my Facebook wall at which I hope Facebook is not blocking. I begin talking about Facebook blocking here

5. Publicly funded political campaigns at all levels of government. This will actually drain the swamp, away from the pockets of the oligarchs.

6. #rollbacktrump  Has the CDC been fully restored since the great de construction?

7. While I don’t believe in arbitrary term limits, I do wish to come up with a law that permits recalling non-performing public servants. This law must be fair both to the voters, and the public servant and must not cause interruption with other similar office holders. This must be resistant to the kind of manipulations proposed by Stephan Bannon to his disciples, as they are plotting various disruptions. This is an idea where crowdsourcing democracy with willing voters will come into play.

8. On my first official day, I will  propose some version of the American Anti Corruption Act. Here is a good example of where constructive development by the registered voter is desirable.

9. Some kind of green new deal, yet to be defined.

10. Revoke “Qualified Immunity” for all American police officers. Maybe this will stop the police from murdering black people.

11. Free, and high quality Medicare for all. The kind Mick Jagger gets when he flies over here from the UK.

12. When possible, stream non sensitive events directly to my voters like I sometimes do with the Facebook group “Let’s Build a New Allentown Together Depending on how Facebook responds, I may or may not work with them, as I can either host it myself or find a different way. Why? a California court recently called Facebook a “Data Collection and surveillance company” But wait, there’s more.

13. I sometimes host a call in episode of “The WTFF files with Lewis Shupe” where listeners can call in with questions or concerns. I will announce on both Facebook and twitter @lashupe when a show is scheduled, then check to listen live. Then, the show will be archived at

14. Full restoration of The Fairness Doctrine. Removed by Republican President Ronald Regan in 1987

15. A proper reckoning of the Covid-19 pandemic. Allowing it to infect our wildlife and vulnerable population was a major bad idea. Over 1,500,000 Americans dead so far from this negligence by Donald Trump and the Republican party.

16. Ranked choice voting. More info here,

17. Right to repair.

18. I am open to the concept of reparations. We will talk down the road.

19. I am open to the idea of legalizing Cannabis. We will talk down the road.

20. SS7 (System Signaling Seven) is an operating system used by international telecom’s to route calls between telephone networks. It needs to be properly repaired or replaced, as it has challenging vulnerabilities currently being exploited by car warranty sales bots, fake tech support, governments that use mass surveillance,  and the like.

21. Equal 3rd party ballot access. Pretty self explanatory.

22. Write up an act of Congress that creates an exception in the IRS code to permit news organizations to organize as a non profit journalistic foundation where tax deductible contributions have a more favorable tax deduction rate than most other non profits such as 501 (c) 3, etc. This non profit journalistic foundation can not only host news content, they could be free of the burden of carrying vulnerable 3rd party advertising.

This is why I was kinda sorta the bad guy to various news organizations. Why? Many times over the past 20 years or so, I have noticed advertisers are an easy target for malicious software authors, computer virus writers, to break into the advertising servers to inject malicious code into the advertisements they serve. Several times, I alerted the morning call and others they were serving virus droppers that, when matured, infected many computer systems that sometimes kept me busy. While I appreciated the workload, it pissed people off. So I taught them how to bypass the paywalls they found. Yet, I never taught the public at large because I wish to support local journalism to the best ability I can. As I have been adminning Facebook groups for a long time, I like the idea of dropping a local article to initiate discussions.

Back to the journalistic foundation idea, I wonder in fact if this can be a way to build a trustworthy virtual town square environment. This could answer the question of how, in #2, I wish to organize the registered voters into a virtual town hall environment where they can discuss politics in a much safer space than Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, or the Chinese Surveillance Empire that it tik tok. This could be expanded by the journalistic foundations to create a safe, local social networking site to local users, with registered voters having special access to features like political discussions.

23. Big idea here. When Russia makes peace with America again, I hope, build a bridge across the Bering Straight. Imaging the potential for trade? There is also the potential for inter-continental pathogen transmission? This must be addressed in the design including potential geologic activity. Needs more study but has great long term potential, Siberia and Alaska are largely undeveloped. Engineering challenge I see as long term attainable but only when China, Russia, and the USA make peace.

24. Another pair of big ideas. Achieve climate engineering inhibiting hurricane and cyclone growth potential  by 2 potential ways. 1. Towing icebergs into the path of hurricanes to chill the water. We have the technology now. 2. Elon Musk’s giga factories can help make a peltier junction type cooling device, powered by the sun, that electrically transfers heat from water to air. It’s a question of scale.

25. Big idea, Allentown specific. Water flows under the Hamilton street bridge. I posted this idea on Let’s Build about installing an Archimedes screw, generating electricity that can both fill the coffers with revenue and energize an electric sidewalk ice melting system slowly installed over many years to provide a more effective snow removal service. All I hear so far are crickets.

26. If respect for human life is not taught to our young, our free society will teach a lack of respect to those who would listen. Hollywood programs our young, delivered through Tik tok, Facebook, Twitter, and many more that manipulate the algorithms while customizing there own programming are instantly accessible through the smartphones they carry. Children are far more impressionable than adults. That respect must be taught early, often, and by every adult figure in that child’s world including parents, schools, churches, extra-circular activities,  And by extension, this means Hollywood. Then too, this is also how hate has been spreading since the Internet’s founding, which I have witnessed and participated in myself for a good chunk of my life from before September on USENET on up until today. Stopping hate on the Internet? Not in a free society. But our children need better teaching by those all around, “With great power comes great responsibility”. The entire “Star Wars” saga can be boiled down to two words, “Bad Parenting”. Then, there is the elephant in the room, China. China, with our help, continues to build the largest and most manipulated mass surveillance society humanity has ever seen. They need to see that elephant in the room, and it starts with education.

27.With the recent train derailment in East Palestine OH and how badly it was mismanaged, create a national level instant response force populated by the best first responders with the best equipment to respond to major environmental disasters as quickly as possible. Involve the best engineers from the army corps of engineers in this.

28.Artificial Intelligence = AI has exploded onto this world, largely unregulated. I am in favor of national, then worldwide legislation to have an emergency manual disconnect of AI systems as a form of ultimate control against rouge AI’s that act against the interests of human societies. It is said “A computers attention span is as long as its power supply”.

29. Hand marked paper ballots throughout the USA. Should be pretty much self-explanatory, considering what happened in Northampton county in the last election, as well as what happened in Lehigh county in 2016. More information here. Please note that until recently, I was a judge of election in Lehigh county, and they use hand marked paper ballots.

30.I would intend on streaming non sensitive meetings with lobbyists directly to the registered voters of the PA-07th Congressional district. I define non sensitive meetings as those not  involving matters of national security. To my current knowledge, no Representative or Senator has ever done this.

31.I want to discover Jeffrey Epstein’s client list and discovered who killed him.

32.Seeing as certain Congressional members get rich from insider trading, I propose a ban on all members of Congress and there staff be banned from stock trading.

33. Google’s android, Apple’s IOS,  Microsoft Windows, these are all operating systems that despite some of them being open source, act against the user’s wishes and behave much like viruses by tracking user activities and Reporting them to a third party advertisers as well as the NSA and God knows who else. This bovine manure needs to be reversed and and if elected I will do my best to reverse this course and I will work for the user.

34. To save this planet for future generations, it’s the only one with beer.

This is what a political contest should look like, “Who can make the best positive contribution to the human experiences of the registered voter”

I wish to invoke real change upon this land, but I need help because I can’t do it alone. When the time comes, please vote for me on your ballot. If anyone would like to help out, please contact me at . And it’s not a mater of if, but when. And, if you like what you see here, PLEASE SHARE. Sharing my content is the easiest way to help out.  Thank you for looking.


Facebook finally permitted me to post political advertisements, so I am starting with my campaign page at  which is also where I will share announcements, show schedules, and such. Check it out.