As opposed to fake change, it begins at the root level

   Jul 15

Allentown Untold Part 2:

Please join me Sunday afternoon at 4:00 pm as I begin to expand on why people should help me get on the ballot to become a member of Allentown city council. Among other topics I intend to discuss my ideas about, in no particular order, the police, ,voting rights in PA under attack, and my independent review of hr1. I will also be discussing trends on the Allentown Facebook groups that I observe. I also wish to discuss the meme I posted with this show. and how people suck, historically speaking. Oh, and I am still collecting signatures.

I wish to ask if anyone might be interested in signing my nominating papers to get on the November ballot to please come to the Hamilton Business Center on Sunday, and join me live on the air in room 307 from 4 to 6pm and meet me in an air conditioned environment. In this way, questions can be asked and answered. Republican, Democrat, Green, Independent, it does now matter. I need the barest minimum of 193 valid signatures from registered Allentown voters to get on the ballot as an independent candidate. Please wear a mask, and use social distancing. Thank you in advance for your consideration.

Call in number will be announced during the show.

This show will be archived here.

   Jun 13

Allentown: Untold

Please join me this Sunday at 3:00 pm as I begin making my case as to why people in allentown should help me get elected to Allentown City Council. Some of the topics I will cover include how I might be able to scale back that %27 tax hike, how I can cast an educated critical eye towards the police, how I can use my IT experiences to improve and protect city government and its taxpayers, and how the live stream can and should be vastly improved. Until COVID-19 came to town, I was streaming meetings to the Facebook group “Let’s Build a New Allentown Together” and before that youtube. I started streaming on the 5th aniversary of the “Citizens United” Supreme Court decision greatly expanding money in politics. I also intend to stream this show directly to said Facebook group, which is still a public group. In time, I will take callers who can ask more specific questions. Thank you for your consideration.

   Jun 12

So yea, I am running for office.

Greetings all. After much thought and consideration, I’m going to take this opportunity to announce my candidacy to run for Allentown City Council as an INDEPENDENT candidate. Tune in tomorrow at 3pm and I will give the low down at that time. I need a barest minimum of 193 registered voters to sign my petition to get my name on the ballot as an independent candidate this November. Republican, Democrat, or unaffiliated it does not matter. Any registered Allentown voter can sign.  If anyone is interested in signing my petition, please contact me directly, or the person can either come to me,  or I can make house calls.

My platform so far, in no particular order:

1. Reform the granicus deal to include the ability for people to comment in real time, among other potential enhancements I could talk about.

2. The water has been flowing over the dam for the past 25 years and nobody has ever thought to put a hydroelectric generating station there? If this were done, not only would it generate money for Allentown directly, the electricity could be diverted for things like snow melting sidewalks AND generate enough of an income to scale back that 27% tax increase?

3. The City of Allentown paid well over a million dollars to Microsoft to remove the emotet virus, something I could have done myself for a whole lot cheaper and using the same tools they did. To this end, I want to see Microsoft removed as much as possible not just to save money down the road, but to make sure that in 20 to 50 years time any files that are created today can be opened in the future.

4. Strengthen ethics in Allentown. I like Josh Siegel’s ethics ordinance, but I think there is room for improvement up to and including a version of the American anti-corruption act.

5. Open check register for the city of Allentown, posted online. This is so that the average person can follow where the money goes and not have to wait to call somebody.

6. Since 1969, almost every single bicycle I have owned has been stolen. I recovered 1 in 1996, and another in 2001. Allentown used to have a bicycle registration program to help recover stolen bikes, but it seems to have somehow faded out over the years. I wish to bring that back, better than it was before.

7. If you want an idea of what else I am about, start from the beginning and check this out.

Thank you in advance for your consideration.


   Sep 08

Hate has a home on Facebook, confessions of a Facebook group admin.

Please join me for the beginning of season 4 of The WTFF files with Lewis Shupe in a most big way. More like  a very BIG announcement, as it will have plenty to do with removing hate from Facebook and transform it into a safe vehicle to conduct democracy despite the weaponized confirmation bias. With the pandemic altering our daily lives for the near future, Facebook has become almost indispensible to keeping up with everything. But Facebook has become a toxic cesspool of vermin and bovine manure. Join me as I delve into my misadventures as a Facebook group administrator. And towards the end I will explain why, and how there is both hope for the future of Facebook, as well as hope for all humanity. This also marks the beginning of a daily 1 hour format, beginning this Tuesday at 9:00 pm. Please share.

   Aug 16

Would you like to help keep our post office running smoothly?

The quoted statements below I copied from a good friend’s Facebook post. I thought so much of it, I am posting it here. Thank you DD.

LOTS of calls and emails to USPS Board of Governors.
Ready, set, go. We know how to do this. Be concerned, firm, polite.
Louis DeJoy, the Postmaster General and Trump appointee who is now dismantling the USPS on behalf of Trump, “serves at the pleasure of” and reports to the 6-member USPS Board of Governors. These six men have the power & duty to #StopDeJoy & prevent Election Day chaos.
5 of the 6 are Trump appointees, but retired Harvard lawyer (CCJ, @NastyOldWomyn) contributing this info on Twitter is clear that a relentless barrage of calls, emails, and other callings-out will absolutely get their attention. She says:
· I’ve represented Boards as a lawyer, and I know “this kind of attention is not what they’ve signed up for. It’s disruptive to their day jobs, which is where they make their money.”
· “None of the members wants to suffer reputational damage from overseeing the meltdown of USPS during a pandemic. They do NOT want to be in the spotlight, so SHINE IT BRIGHT!”
· “Board members HATE being contacted, HATE having their phone mailboxes fill up with messages, HATE being inundated with emails and letters. And, oh, they would HATE being picketed at work, if someone decided to start a demonstration.”
· In contacting these 6 Board members, “I plan to be polite but firm about my fury about the recent deterioration of USPS’s service, giving personal & family examples regarding medication & veterans services, & expressing my distrust of & dissatisfaction with the performance of PG DeJoy. In my experience, rudeness NEVER helps.

Call & email each of the 6 USPS Board of Governors.
Tell them who & what you are (a retiree? Veteran?), what you & family rely on the USPS for in this pandemic, how DeJoy’s changes are disrupting that & causing stress. Express worry about Vote-by-Mail.”

Their emails:;;;;; ”

More information:

   Aug 05

Defcon 27 #votingmachinepr0n

   Aug 05

Harrisburg voting machine show pics 4-26-18

   Feb 24

Say goodbye to the Patriot act, I hope

Please join me today as I explore the sunsetting of the patriot act, and other tidbits of the day

   Feb 16

The Great Bernie Sanders Ice Cream Truck idea

Please join me for the launch of a new season, new ideas, and much more up against a Kingpin who beat the ultimate imeachment charge. A coming battle of the ages is looming ahead, oh what to do? How about making peace?

I intend on delving into the gist of this idea, as well as take constructive criticism. For this idea to pan out, I’m gonna need some help.

If you like what you see and hear, please share. Thank you.

   Feb 16

The Great Bernie Sanders Ice Cream Truck Idea

Hello there, my name is Lewis Shupe and I want to give free ice cream to supporters of Donald Trump. Read on for the big deal.

A time once was, in the town of Allen, I was sitting at a friend’s backyard on the 4th of July. Lots of fireworks were going off all around me, not that big a deal as I was enjoying a burnt steak and Jose Cuervo. All of a sudden an ice cream truck appeared. Suddenly, the explosions stopped as children scrambled up to the ice cream truck. In the fullness of time the ice cream truck pulled away, and you could hear the fading sounds of a children’s tune going past the vanishing point. around that time, the explosion started up again. The moral of the story is simple. Ice cream can fuel peace and quiet, chills out the explosive noises, and of course for children it’s a lot of fun.

This is what I want to do with an ice cream truck and supply chain. I want to take this ice cream truck and park it at various Trump rallies and events throughout the USA during the coming year and give out free ice cream to the masses, while broadcasting the Bern on 3 shielded fixed screen TVs mounted to the outside of the ice cream truck. I happen to think this project could well work to educate the Trump voter away from an epic pathological liar on a scale never seen before and hopefully will never be seen again. This whole experience will be intended to be streamed LIVE, as well as memorex lol. Webcams galore all around the truck as ice cream is freely dispensed with a dose of the Bern. Bernie quotes, with QR codes, can be painted on the sides of the vehicle. Special broadcasts would include local Bernie volunteers and converts from the cult of Trump. This idea is not written in stone, I expect several revisions, edits, and updates. Constructive criticism welcome.

For those who contribute, there will be special features, videos, and a special forum where updates and 2 way communications will keep everyone abreast.

Who am I?

I host a podcast called “The WTF files with Lewis Shupe”, where I rant and ramble on about various things either political or IT related or both. One of them, describes what happened when Fox News tried to pack the audience with Republican faithful, and they failed miserably to where when Bernie asked the audience what they thought about Medicare for all, the audience cheered. Fox did not like that, and Trump tweeted about it. Listen to that specific broadcast to hear the story behind it.

I admin a few Facebook groups, such as “Lehigh valley for Bernie Sanders 20/20”, “Easton PA for Bernie Sanders 2020”, and “by the people for the people Bernie Sanders 20/20 for president”, among others.

The Bernie Sanders groups I admin for several years now, and did so during the 2016 campaign when, despite being visually impaired at that time, I did my best to help Bernie get elected.

A year or so after that, after much medical bovine manure that pains me to this day, I got my sight back and I can see perfectly.

Another group I admin, “Let’s build a new Allentown together”, is kind of special. I often stream Allentown City council meetings, of various types, to the Facebook group and have an active little community going over it. I’m also involved in election security, having been involved with and video recorded a recount in Lehigh County PA for the Jill Stein campaign in November 2016. That is here,

The link to the gofundme is here

Please excuse the virtual dust. If you like what you see and hear, please consider a contribution and / or share. Thank you.


UPDATE: With all the COVID-10 stuff going on, as well as Bernie endorsing a less than stellar candidate, it is with a heavy brow I kill off this once great idea. Lessons have been learned, and something wonderous will come of it. Stay tuned.